# Project setup

You can create a new MOS project by creating a file called mos.toml in the root of your project. This is the MOS configuration file and it allows you to customize things like how MOS assembles and formats your project.

The simplest way to create this file is via MOS itself:

> mos init

This creates a mos.toml file with a few basic settings. This is enough to get started, but you can customize these settings too.

# Build options

These are the default options under the build section in mos.toml:

entry = "main.asm"
target-directory = "target"
listing = false
symbols = []
output-format = "prg"
Key Type Description
entry filename The source file from which MOS should start assembling
target-directory directory name The directory in which all output (binaries, symbols) is placed
listing boolean Generate listing files, containing disassembled code?
symbols array Which symbol files to generate. Currently only "vice" is supported.
output-filename string In case the output format results in a single file, you can specify the output filename here. Otherwise the name of the entry source file will be used. (with a different extension).
output-format "prg" or "bin" "prg" adds a 2-byte header that contains the loading position (used for Commodore emulators)

So, if you want to leave all defaults as-is, but would want to generate symbols for Vice, the build section in your mos.toml would look like this:

symbols = ["vice"]

# Formatting options

The formatter has a few options you can tweak, but it is not extensive yet. The following mos.toml represents the default formatting options:

mnemonics.casing = 'lowercase'
mnemonics.register-casing = 'lowercase'
braces.position = 'same-line'
whitespace.indent = 4
whitespace.label-margin = 20
whitespace.label-alignment = right
whitespace.code-margin = 30
listing.num-bytes-per-line = 8
Key Type Description
mnemonics.casing uppercase, lowercase The casing of mnemonics (e.g. NOP)
mnemonics.register-casing uppercase, lowercase The casing of register suffixes (e.g. the x in lda $fb,x)
braces.position same_line, new_line Where to place the braces in things like if statements
whitespace.indent number How many spaces (no tabs yet... 😇) to indent in block statements
whitespace.label-margin number How many characters to reserve for labels
whitespace.label-alignment left, right How to align labels
whitespace.code-margin number How many characters to reserve for code (the rest is reserved for comments)
listing.num-bytes-per-line number When generating a listing file, this specifies how many bytes should be emitted per line